Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Reset Detox : Day 3

Although my 4-year-old climbed into our bed again last night, I still managed to get a good night sleep, woke up naturally at 4 am –a bit too early though to get up!- and went back to sleep until about 5.40 am. I had no problem to get up at that time and tried 2 programs I recorded the day before from Body In Balance Sky Channel:
30 mins Shiva Daily Energy: Yoga

AM Meditation with Rodney Yee

The yoga was great toning and stretching...quite challenging and I have been feeling it in my legs the whole day. I was enjoying the meditation until my 8-year-old interrupted it by entering in the living room!
I guess the next challenge I need is to get up early enough so:
1.       There is less risk that my kids get up so early to stop my fitness routine
2.       There is less risk of finding excuses for not having enough time to exercise
As I get more energy and better sleep, I am planning to get up eventually at 5 am to get this ME TIME I desperately need all to myself!
I spent the morning visiting my friend Dash at her new house, so I just swapped my nutritional bar snack with a green tea & fresh strawberries. Two other friends Vivi & Tracey were there as well: we rarely get time to catch up, so it was lovely! It is important for anyone’s sanity or wellbeing to have good friends around you...I am lucky!
It’s the evening now and I have had my delicious Nutrimeal Shake, I mixed the chocolate & strawberry flavour and my daughter was trying to steal it from me while she was having her diner!
I am feeling great actually...finally!
I am really looking forward to tomorrow now... I can’t wait to see what time I will get up to and excited about doing the next keep fit session! Good night...

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