Monday, 30 January 2012

Sluggish Thyroid? Low Mood? Read This!

If you’ve been feeling a little low, suffering from a sluggish thyroid or having trouble conceiving… it could be because of the soil our food is grown in.
Reliance on chemical fertilizers and improper farming practices over the last 50 years have depleted our soil of a vital micronutrient – selenium.
And because crops convert selenium into organic forms that can be absorbed by the human body, less selenium in the soil means less selenium on our plate.
In fact, Dr. Margaret Rayman, a professor of nutritional medicine in the U.K. , has found that the amount of selenium we get in our food has dropped 50% in the past two decades.
And that can be really bad news for your health.
Selenium is an antioxidant micronutrient that is required to carry out a wide range of functions in the body.  It’s needed to produce at least 25 enzymes including glutathione - your body’s “Master Antioxidant and Detoxifier”. It also boosts the activity of vitamin C and E in the body and is essential to the health of your immune system.
Without enough selenium, your body struggles to detoxify and defend itself. The result is cellular damage and inadequate protection against foreign invaders, as well as the mutations that can lead to cancer.
But the selenium story doesn’t end there. Selenium is also vital to the “Master of Your Metabolism” – your thyroid.
It is estimated that more than 20 million people in the U.S. have undiagnosed thyroid dysfunction, much of which may be corrected by adequate selenium.
Selenium is a component of the enzyme that helps convert certain thyroid hormones for use in the body. When there’s not enough selenium, the body produces lower levels of these hormones. This leads to hypothyroidism (and its associated ails – including depression, weight gain, thinning hair and more).
When it comes to selenium, we’ve only scratched the surface of understanding how this vital micronutrient promotes wellness and protects against disease.
Research shows that getting sufficient selenium can help to:
  • Enhance detoxification and boost your antioxidant defenses
  • Improve thyroid function
  • Boost fertility
  • Guard against cancer
  • Protect the prostate
  • Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and arthritis
  • Protect against cognitive decline
  • Reduce the risk of viral infection
While most of us are low in the selenium department, a word of caution: over-supplementing with selenium can cause some harmful side effects.The best (and safest) way to boost your levels is through a whole-foods diet grown according to Mother Nature’s strict standards.
Here are the ways you can boost your selenium levels naturally:
  • Eat Brazil Nuts: Just one Brazil nut per day was found to raise selenium to recommended levels.
  • Pick Pasture-Raised: Studies show that grass-fed beef and bison contain up to 400% more selenium than those that are grain-fed. Pastured pork also contains 75% more than conventionally-raised.
  • Enjoy Wild, Sustainable Seafood: Treasures from the sea can also be a rich source of selenium. But it’s important you’re not getting uninvited dinner guests (like PCBs and mercury) along for ride. Choose wild seafood, especially wild shrimp, wild salmon, sardines and green-lipped mussels as safe seafood sources of selenium.
  • Go Organic: Studies estimate that organic foods contain 2-3 times the selenium as those grown conventionally – one more reason to go organic!
While selenium is a vital nutrient in your age-defying, disease-fighting arsenal, it’s not the only one that is often dangerously low. In the Your Plate, Your Fate series, you’ll learn:
  • If you drink bottled water, you may be deficient in this vital mineral that plays hundreds of crucial roles in the body – from boosting insulin sensitivity to alleviating anxiety and PMS.
  • If you have “restless leg syndrome”, you may be surprised to find getting enough of this mineral can ease your spasms and help you get restful sleep. No prescription required!
  • Suffer from fatigue? Low levels of this mineral can leave you feeling tired, achy and just plain tired. Get powered up by enjoying these three foods.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Rethink Your Diet Now, and Eat the Mediterranean Diet Way

Why you need to study the principals behind a better diet! Mediterranean food diets are increasing in popularity because they are not based on popularized fads but rather a model which comes from literally thousands of years of use. The Mediterranean diet is inspired by the traditional dietary patterns of the Mediterranean area, particularly Italy, Greece, and Spain. Understanding how the Mediterranean Diet differs from the typical American diet can help us to improve our eating habits and enjoy improved health through enjoyable dietary changes.
The most noticeable characteristic of the Mediterranean Diet is high consumption of fruits and vegetables, bread and other cereals, olive oil and fish. Red meat is an infrequent source of protein in the Mediterranean Diet. Compared to the typical American diet, this may seem almost exotic. Meals fashioned after the Mediterranean Diet have a distinctively rich flavor because of the common use of olive oil as the source of fat in preparation compared to the margarine and highly processed, hydrogenated vegetable oils used in the preparation of American meals. As fat has a higher calorie density than protein and carbohydrates, portion sizes also appear more modest when compared to the size of a meal Americans often expect to receive from a restaurant. The result is a nutrient rich diet, high in
fiber, with a low glycemic index, which includes lean protein sources and high quality sources of fat.
While the Mediterranean Diet has been developed over time since as far back as when the Iliad was a new story, it was 'discovered' by an American doctor, Ancel Keys, in 1945. When compared to modern common American dietary practices, the Mediterranean Diet appears to be paradoxical. People living in Mediterranean countries tend to consume relatively high amounts of fat, and yet they have far lower rates of cardiovascular disease than in countries like the United States.
If we compare the sources of fat between the Mediterranean Diet and the typical American diet we can see that the fat sources in the Mediterranean Diet are of much higher quality and fat sources like extra virgin olive oil also contain excellent sources of antioxidants which have been shown to protect the body from conditions that lead to cardiovascular disease. Olive oil has also been shown to reduce blood cholesterol while the animal fats consumed by the typical American tend to increase cholesterol levels.
Red wine consumption is also a positive factor in many Mediterranean Diets. Rich in flavonoids, these powerful antioxidants come from the skins, seeds and stems of grapes which are what make a red wine red during fermentation. White wines are fermented without these components and therefore have lower levels of antioxidants. Regular, moderate consumption of red wine has been shown to have significant benefit in cardiovascular health because of the regular ingestion of these antioxidants.
Genetics, lifestyle, and environment may also be involved in the health benefits enjoyed by people of these Mediterranean cultures, but when compared to the typical diet of an American, the Mediterranean Diet offers a higher quality source of foods which should bring a benefit in a variety of health factors for nearly anyone who includes them as their source of nourishment.
Dave Saunders is a professional lecturer, and certified nutritional educator. He enjoys creating interconnections through his writings and lectures to help others create context and see new discoveries and technologies in more a practical light. You can find out more about new discoveries in health and nutrition at Here's were you can see download my eBook and several free bonuses.

Week 3: RESET Transform Phase

I am already thinking about what fitness program I would like to follow after I finish this 5-week-plan with USANA. Of course, I will not stop Reset or USANA completely...I will continue with my HealthPak daily supplements and keep some of the low glycemic snack at hand. I will have some of the shakes with higher protein content instead of the normal one to match a more physical workout program.

I have decided to get Belinda Benn ‘Get Lean Program’ which I will start in about 3 weeks! Who dares to join me?!

From next week, I will weigh in on Mondays instead of Saturdays.
Monday: It looks like this cold is taking a bit long to shift away from me, I don’t seem to be able to wake up naturally before the alarm...never mind I am motivated enough & it’s no longer an excuse to miss my daily workout!
Today, I did 20 mins ‘Body Shaping Intensive Yoga’, 15 mins ‘DanniSexy Legs Now’ by Danni Levy and ’Belly Blitz’ by Suzanne Baven for 12 mins. I love the last 12 minutes!!

Tuesday: Still only woke up at the alarm, but I am saving 1/2h because my friend is doing the school run this morning, so I have time to do ‘Inch Loss Pilates’ by Lucy Knight for Fitforlife... not too difficult but effective on the core muscle side.

Wednesday, I really enjoyed doing this workout with Elise Lindsey called ‘Resistance for Women’ from Body In Balance TV recording.

Thursday, I went jogging for about ½ hour after I dropped my children at my friend’s house...refreshing!!

Friday, I wanted variety! I did 3 different workouts:
-          Exhale Core Fusion Bootcamp with Fred De Vito for 15 mins (really good & challenging)

-          The Skinny Girl workout with Bethenny Frankel  for 25 mins

-          Belly Blitz with Suzanne Bowen (my favourite abs workout so far)

Saturday was again my day off and we had people over, so I wasn’t 100% with my healthy eating habits!

Sunday was my best day, jogging at the beginning with Tamzin (8-year-old daughter) and by myself at the end: altogether 40 mins ... that is more than 7,000 steps done before 10 am!!!

Tomorrow will be weigh in and the start of week 4!!! Bring it on!

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Hypnosis / NLP Research

  • Hypnosis increases chances of losing more weight by 90%
    Analysis of 18 studies comparing a cognitive behavioural therapy such as relaxation training, guided imagery, self monitoring, or goal setting with the same therapy supplemented by hypnosis.
Those who received the hypnosis lost more weight than 90 percent of those not receiving hypnosis and maintained the weight loss two years after treatment ended.
University of Connecticut, Storrs Allison DB, Faith MS. Hypnosis as an adjunct to cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy for obesity: a meta-analytic reappraisal. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1996;64(3):513-516.

  • Hypnosis more than doubles average weight loss
Study of the effect of adding hypnosis to cognitive-behavioral treatments for weight reduction, additional data were obtained from authors of two studies. Analyses indicated that the benefits of hypnosis increased substantially over time.
Kirsch, Irving (1996). Hypnotic enhancement of cognitive-behavioral weight loss treatments–Another meta-reanalysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64 (3), 517-519.
  • Hypnosis Subjects Continue Losing Weight 2 years onwards
    109 people completed a behavioural treatment for weight management either with or without the addition of hypnosis. At the end of the 9-week program, both interventions resulted in significant weight reduction.
At 8-month and 2-year follow-ups, the hypnosis subjects were found to have continued to lose significant weight, while those in the behavioral-treatment-only group showed little further change.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1985

  • Female Hypnosis Subjects lost an average of 17 pounds
    60 women separated into hypnosis versus non-hypnosis groups, the groups using hypnosis lost an average of 17 pounds, while the non-hypnosis group lost an average of only .5 pounds  Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986
“Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) may be the most powerful vehicle for change in existence”
- Modern Psychology Magazine
“Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) has untapped potential for treating individual problems….It has metamorphosed into an all-purpose self-improvement program and technology.”
- Time Magazine
“(NLP) does offer the potential for making changes without the usual agony that accompanies these phenomena. . . Thus it affords the opportunity to gain flexibility, creativity, and greater freedom of action than most of us now know.
– Training and Development Journal
“With weight loss the evidence is conclusive…hypnosis does help people reduce.”
- Smithsonian Magazine
“It’s hard to find a field that hasn’t used hypnosis successfully, everything from quitting smoking to IBS.”
- Good Morning America
“Studies show that people who combine diet and exercise with hypnosis lose more weight than they do with diet and exercise alone.”
- Allure
There’s a fantastic FREE Video with sneaky mind tricks to help you lose weight using NLP / Hypnosis.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Have You Ever Considered a Starvation Diet Plan for Weight Loss?

The less food you eat, the more weight you’ll lose, right? Sorry, but it just doesn’t work this way. If your idea of the perfect diet plan for weight loss is popping crackers and diuretics, you’re headed for disaster. Besides being downright miserable, a starvation diet can thwart your weight loss efforts and do some serious damage to your health.

Starving Slows the Fat Burning Process

Your body relies on the nutrients in food (real food, not saltines) for fuel. When you starve yourself, it senses the downward shift in your caloric intake and kicks into starvation mode. When this happens, your metabolism will slow down and your body will hold on to stored fat in order to conserve energy.
Lean muscle mass needs more energy to function than fat. Basically, the more lean muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn. If you continue to starve yourself, your body will feed on your lean muscle tissue and make it even harder for you to lose weight.
Obviously, if you starve yourself long enough, you’ll have no choice but to lose weight. But the weight loss won’t be healthy, and it will show in your appearance. You’ll become emaciated and your body will start to look like an old bag of bones (not joking).

Starvation Diet Results Are Short-Lived

The weight lost from starvation diets almost always comes back. Starvation slows your metabolism down. And it can take months for it to return to normal. As soon as you start eating again, you’ll likely gain all of the weight you lost back, plus a few extra pounds. In the end, you’ll wind up bigger than you were before you started starving.

Starving Can Damage Your Health

When you go without food, you don’t get any of the essential nutrients needed for good health. This can result in fatigue, kidney failure, heart failure, gallstones, ulcers, hair loss, muscle weakness and osteoporosis. This is just a short list of the physical problems a starvation diet can cause. We haven’t even touched on the mental stuff yet.
It’s not uncommon for extremely calorie-restrictive dieters to struggle with depression, anger, indifference, memory loss, poor concentration, hallucinations and mood swings. Starvation can also increase your chances of suffering with eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia.
In essence, your health will be a mess if you try to lose weight by starving. The worst part about it is that some of the health issues that arise from starvation diets can cause irreversible damage to your body and require long-term hospitalization or lifelong medical care.
I’m not trying to scare you, but if you plan to turn starvation into a lifestyle, you’ll end up in a body bag way before your time. No amount of skinny is worth your life.
Don’t let the desperation to lose weight push you to go on a starvation diet. This type of diet can destroy your health and make weight loss harder to achieve. The healthiest way to drop unwanted pounds is to eat right, manage portion sizes and exercise.
Let The Diet Solution Program show you how a sensible diet plan for weight loss can work for you.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Week 2: RESET Transform Phase

I need to watch out...I have a nasty cold try eating my energy away. Not a problem, I will take it slow but continue to be consistent. I will replace some of the shakes (which I prefer cold) with nutritious hot soups!!

Monday workout was an easy way to start the week: I did 30 mins ‘Pulse Yoga’ and 30 mins ‘Fabulous Fitness at 40’
Tuesday morning I manage to get up at 5.30 am and got energised with 30 min “Shiva AM Energy” and another 30 mins with “The Firm 500 Calorie Burn“ by Kelsie Daniels...both excellent workouts!

Wednesday I did not manage to wake up before the alarm, but made sure I exercised for about 1 hour as soon as I came back from the school run: “Trudie Styler Warrior Yoga” & “Ultra Fit Body Workout Day 2” by Audrey Kaipio.

Thursday, I did ‘Ultra Fit Body Workout Day 3’ with Audrey Kaipio and X-tend Ballet Barre with Andrea Rogers...over all maybe about 40 minutes. My upper body is ‘killing’ me though!

Friday, I did not feel great at all, so instead did about 45 mins of Yoga on the Edge – Sunrise with Sara was a great workout, I am saving the recording for another time.

Saturday is weigh-in day: 67.8 kg... I have lost another 600g! This is the right way to lose weight, slow & consistent: from now on I expect to lose between ½ and 1 kg every week. Saturday is quite hectic with the family activities, so it is my day off in terms of “me” workout.

Sunday was an experiment. My 8-year-old has started competitive swimming for a month now and she needs to build stamina, so I bought her a proper pair of running shoes. She is starting a first jog! It was a bit strange to start with because the 4-year-old was adamant that she also was going to jog with us. The 4-year-old lasted 5 minutes and got back inside. My 8-year-old only managed to run for 10 minutes because she had a ‘stitch’...we continued power walking for another 15 minutes & I took her home. I felt so energised that I went back all by myself for another 15 minutes proper jog.

Are You Suffering From This Silent Epidemic?

Do you ever feel tired or lack energy? Can’t seem to lose those extra pounds? Suffer from low thyroid function? Are you aging not quite as gracefully as you would like to? Do you go through mood swings or become irritated easily?
If your answer is yes to any of these questions, the culprit could be your hormones. And even if you are not suffering from noticeable symptoms, there is a very good chance your hormones are out of balance, dramatically increasing your risk of disease.
But how do our hormones get out of balance?
Imagine that you are a detective, given the following clues:
  • At the turn of the last century, diabetes affected 0.01% of the U.S. population. Today, one in three Americans has diabetes or a precursor to it.
  • In 1900, breast cancer was very rare. By 1960, it affected one in 20 women. Today, one out of three women develops breast cancer.
  • Before 1921, a total of 20 cases of endometriosis had been reported worldwide. By 2000, nearly 20% of all U.S. women of childbearing age have endometriosis.
  • A 1997 study showed that by the age of eight, one in seven white girls and half of African-American girls have started puberty.
  • In the last 60 years, the average male sperm count has fallen by half… while the incidence of testicular cancer has tripled.
  • During the year of 2002, the number of clinical cases of gynecomastia (male breast growth) doubled.

Morphing Genes… or Toxic Environment?

Now, keep your detective hat on. Do you think the human race has really changed that much in the last 100 years? Or do you believe that our environment (what we breathe, what we ingest and what we put on our skin) has something to do with it?
The answer, of course, is that the human race has changed very little in the last 100 years (at least in terms of our physiology and biology).
On the other hand, what we eat, drink and rub into our skin has changed completely… in a VERY short period of time. And these changes have profoundly impacted our hormones.
Here’s some more food for thought…
Hormones are biologically active in amounts as tiny as just one-trillionth of a gram and the average American consumes pounds of hormones and chemicals that mimic hormones every year!
While most people are familiar with the hormones produced inside of our bodies (like estrogen and testosterone), we often fail to realize that hormones and hormone-mimics (a.k.a.- endocrine disruptors) are introduced through the foods we eat and the products we use everyday.
And while the ill-effects of endocrine disruptors may not be seen or felt immediately, they set the stage for disease. These chemicals accumulate in fatty tissue and are released slowly into the body, dripping out their “hormonal instructions” over a long period of time.

What’s Hampering Your Hormonal Harmony?

So why is this happening? Let’s take a look at the trends that parallel the endocrine epidemic:
  • * From 1920 to 2000, the U.S. production of synthetic chemicals increased from less than a million pounds a year to more than 140 billion pounds a year.
  • * In 1977, the FDA finds 38% of all grocery foods sampled contain pesticides. By 1998 that number climbs to 55%.
  • * In the 1990′s, the bottled water market heats up. In 2006 31 billion plastic water bottles were produced.
  • * In 1992, the FDA announced that 65% of women’s cosmetics sampled contained carcinogenic contaminants.
  • * As of 1998, 75,500 synthetic chemicals were registered as appearing in consumer products, agriculture and industry. The FDA oversees 8,000 chemicals used in foods and cosmetics alone.
Endocrine disrupting chemicals are everywhere. And if you think “a little” won’t hurt you, think again. Remember: these nasty compounds can be highly bioactive at just one trillionth of a gram.
But before you throw your hands up and concede to the demise of disruptors, take heart: with a little knowledge and planning, you can greatly reduce your exposure.
In this article, you’ll learn an easy way to avoid one of the nastiest and most prevalent endocrine disruptors – BPA.
Unfortunately, the dangers of disruptors don’t end with BPA. In the Your Plate, Your Fate series you’ll learn about the many other hormonal hellions that could be making you sick and fat including:
  • The top 14 endocrine disrupting chemicals, where they’re found and the simple ways to avoid them
  • The foods that set your future children up for a “thrifty phenotype” – a genetic predisposition to store, store, store calories… leading to a lifelong weight struggle
  • The common kitchen tool that leaches estrogen-mimics into your cuisine
  • The “fun” food that’s totally safe when properly prepared, but loaded with endocrine disruptors when cooked the way 90% of us usually do
  • This powerful endocrine offender is linked to obesity, prostate cancer and breast cancer – and get this – it’s detectable in 95% of Americans! But there are just four simple things you can do to avoid it completely!
  • The”clean seafoods” you can enjoy that won’t contaminate your plate with hormone mimics…or heavy metals
  • The top 7 foods that expose your little ones to endocrine disruptors that affect the development of their brain and sex organs
  • The one serving of baby food that exposes your baby to 100 times the EPA daily limit for a dangerous endocrine disruptor called dioxin
  • The two chemicals in everyday foods that reduce your thyroid hormones and can lead to hypothyroidism
In Your Plate, Your Fate you’ll learn how to clear the chemicals from your cuisine and get your hormones back in harmony… one delicious bite at a time!

Sunday, 22 January 2012

10 Solid Facts Why the Mediterranean Diet is Better For You

Low in Saturated Fat
Physicians and nutritionists the world over all agree that a diet that is high in saturated fat can have very negative consequences on a persons health and wellbeing. Indeed, a diet that is high in saturated fat can cause a person to suffer heart disease, can lead to cancer and can cause a whole host of other health problems and concern.
The Mediterranean diet is noteworthy because of the fact that it is very low in saturated fat. The typical person who follows the Mediterranean diet intakes less than eight percent of his or her calories from potentially harmful saturated fat. This is significantly below the average of people who do not follow a Mediterranean diet regimen.
Includes Plentiful Amounts of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Another reason why the Mediterranean diet is good for you lies in the fact that the diet includes the consumption of a significant amount of fruit and vegetables. Indeed, the diet encompasses more fresh fruits and vegetables than any other dietary program or plan today.
Fresh fruits and vegetables have a significant beneficial effect on a persons health and wellbeing. People who following the Mediterranean diet and consume generous servings of fruits and vegetables each day have a lower incidence of certain diseases including cancer and cardiovascular ailments.

High in Whole Grains and Fiber

A benefit in the Mediterranean diet is found in the fact that it lowers in the incidence of certain types of cancer. One of the reasons that the Mediterranean diet lowers the incidence of cancer is found in the fact that the diet is rich in whole grains and dietary fiber. Both whole grain and fiber have proven to lower the incidence of cancer, including colorectal cancer.
High in Anti-Oxidants
The Mediterranean diet is high in anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants play a significant role in maintaining the body - including organs, muscles and skin - in top condition. A diet high in anti-oxidants is believed to ensure that a person will live a longer, healthier life.
Low in Red Meat
Because the Mediterranean diet is low in red meat, the diet plan works to reduce the amount of 'bad cholesterol.' A diet low in 'bad cholesterol' lessens the incidence of cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke.
High in Lean Meats
The Mediterranean diet includes lean meats in moderate portions. The reasonable amount of lean meats - including fish and certain seafood and fish - provides a health source of protein and energy for a person.
Low in Dairy
The Mediterranean diet is low in dairy products. In fact, a true adherent to the Mediterranean diet includes almost no dairy products at all. Any dairy that is included in the diet is low fat or non fat. Because the diet is low in dairy, particularly fatty dairy products, the diet encourages a person to obtain or maintain an ideal weight. Additionally, the diet aids in reducing cholesterol and works to prevent heart disease.
Prevents Disease
As mentioned, one of the reasons that the Mediterranean diet is good for you rests in the fact that the diet plan appears to reduce the incidence of certain diseases including:
- heart and cardiovascular disease
- cancer
- diabetes
- hypertension
- diabetes
The history of the people of the Mediterranean region demonstrates that the Mediterranean diet works to extend a persons life. In addition, while working to extend a persons life, this diet scheme works to ensure that a persons longer life will be healthy as well.
A Convenient Diet Program
Finally, the Mediterranean diet is good for you because it is a convenience diet program. In order to follow the Mediterranean diet you do not need to buy any special products or prepare a unique and hard to manage diet plan. If used with moderate exercise, it is a great way to lose weight while remaining healthy. Here's were you can see download my eBook and several free bonuses.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

How To Reduce Weight Loss Stress

Many dieters don’t realize that stress is one of the biggest factors that prevents them from being able to lose weight. The affect of stress on our bodies has a very negative impact when it comes to losing body weight. Hypnosis has proved to be invaluable to many dieters for helping them to keep their stress levels under control.
Our body has limits for how much stress it can cope with. When we become too stressed, the adrenal glands in the body go into overdrive and push it into “fight of flight” mode. When this happens, the adrenal glands release certain chemicals into the body which are less than helpful when we are trying to lose weight.
One of these chemicals is Cortisol. Cortisol increases insulin levels in the blood and causes the body to slow down the burning of fat. In addition, Cortisol elevates blood sugar levels and causes the body to store more fat.
Another chemical released during stressful times is Adrenaline. Increased levels of adrenaline causes the body to retain more fluids, which increases body weight. Stress also triggers the production of Galanin which has a tendency to give us cravings for fats and carbohydrates.
As we can see, becoming stressed is very harmful if you are trying to lose weight. No matter how good of a diet or exercise routine you have, if you can’t control your stress, it will be a lot harder to lose weight.
So, one of the keys to losing weight is relaxation, and that’s where hypnosis can be so valuable. Hypnosis is wonderful for reducing stress because it activates the body’s natural relaxation response.
When your body is in a relaxed state, systems in your body such as the immune system and the endocrine system quickly return the their natural healthy functioning. This restores the chemical balance inside your body meaning it can deal with foods appropriately and won’t store as much fat.
With practice, it is possible to get into this feeling of deep relaxation in as little as three minutes. It is almost like having stress relief on tap. If you can become deeply relaxed this quickly, it is priceless for your weight loss prospects.
In addition to helping you relax, hypnosis can help you distinguish between good and bad stress. Stress that invigorates you and inspires you to tackle life’s challenges helps you to reach your potential. On the other hand, stress based on irrational worrying can fill you with fear, anxiety and ultimately depression.
One of the huge benefits of hypnosis is that it can help you learn how to relax yourself in all stressful situations. When you can do this, you can easily replace your negative thinking patterns with positive thoughts that will lift your spirits.
The importance of reducing stress must not be overlooked when you are trying to lose weight. Hypnosis is therefore one of the most valuable tools you have.
  • Our body has limits regarding how much stress it can handle.
  • Our bodies release Cortisol and Adrenaline when we are stressed which causes our body to store more fat and burn it slower
  • Relaxation via hypnosis restores our body’s systems to their natural healthy state, and restores the chemical balance.
  • Hypnosis can teach us to feel relaxed in all stressful situations. Thus, replacing negative thoughts with positive uplifting thoughts is easy.
There’s a fantastic FREE Video with sneaky mind tricks to help you lose weight using NLP / Hypnosis!

Thursday, 19 January 2012

I Need to Lose Weight – How Resistance Training Can Help

Years ago, I took a long hard look at myself and thought: I need to lose weight because this pudgy body of mine is not going to work for me anymore. It took me a few tries to nail the nutrition side of things. But I knew that if I wanted to see steady weight loss results I needed to couple my healthy eating habits with exercise.
I do my fair share of cardio, but I also add resistance training to the mix because it helps me burn calories and keeps my body strong and svelte.

Benefits of Resistance Training

If you’re on a mission to lose weight, resistance training is vital because it increases the amount of lean muscle mass in the body. Why does this matter? Every pound of muscle you have accelerates the rate your body burns fat.
You can get resistance training from using dumbbells, weight machines, water bottles, soup cans and resistance bands. You can also use your own body weight as resistance by doing pushups, pull ups, squats, lunges and the like.
When you do only cardio exercises, your metabolism slows down as soon as your workout is over. When you add resistance training into the equation, your metabolism stays revved up long after your workout is over—even when you’re sitting on the couch like a hairball.
If you’re still not convinced that resistance training is important for weight loss, think about this. If two women are the same height and weight, and one of them has a body that’s mostly lean muscle while the other woman’s body is flabby, the woman with the lean muscle will look smaller. Why? Because muscle is compact and takes up less space in the body than fat.

I Don’t Want to Get Bulky

Some women shun the idea of resistance training because they have unrealistic fears of getting bulky. Most of the people who get husky either train specifically to gain bulk (professional bodybuilders for example) or they take performance-enhancing drugs.
General strength training is not, I repeat, is not going to make you bulky. The only thing it will do is make you stronger, leaner and shapelier. Isn’t this what you want?

Tips for Effective Resistance Training

  • Do resistance training three times a week. Don’t overdo it. When you strength train, your muscles need time to recover. Ideally, you should rest one day between each resistance training session.
  • Don’t lift too heavy or too light. Lifting weights that are too heavy can cause you to get injured, and weights that are too light won’t challenge your body.
  • Use slow, controlled movements as opposed to rapid movements when you are doing resistance training exercises. If you lift weights too fast you will use momentum instead of strength to get through your repetitions, which can sabotage your efforts.
  • When you lift the same amount of weights and do the same number of reps for weeks on end, your muscles get bored and progression slows down. Revamp your resistance training program every few weeks so that you continually see results.
If you really want to see those pounds melt away, combine a quality resistance training program with a sensible diet and plenty of cardiovascular exercise.
Losing weight can improve the way you look and feel. Let The Diet Solution Program show you what I do when I need to lose weight.

Monday, 16 January 2012

8 Foods to Fight the Blues

A recent headline on the cover of Parade magazine caught my eye:  “Top Doctors Solve Your Medical Problems”.
One of the problems they claimed to have a “solution” for was depression. So I turned the page to find out what it was.
I was hoping to read about the vital links between food and mood. But there wasn’t a single word about the nutrients that influence our brain chemistry.
Nor was there any mention of the miraculous, mood-boosting benefits of sunlight. And not even a passing word about the benefits of vigorous exercise – proven in many studies to alleviate depression completely.
Instead, the article read like a series of ads for psychiatric drugs. “Dozens of medications are available,” said the author, Dr. Ranit Mishori. Worse yet, she didn’t mention a single risk (including suicide) associated with taking anti-depressants.
In fact, the article glorified anti-depressants as and cited counseling as an adjunct therapy, instead of a first course of treatment.
In other words, why go to the trouble of actually talking to someone about your problem… or trying to figure out the underlying cause… when you can just take a pill?
Now, keep in mind, I wasn’t surprised by this at all. Big Pharma spends BILLIONS on advertising in the mainstream media. And they certainly get their money’s worth.
Pushing these (not-so) “happy” pills has become the norm in our society. More than 27 million Americans take some form of antidepressant. And although there’s no long-term clinical evidence backing the efficacy of these medicines, it doesn’t stop Big Pharma from reaping billions every year.
As with so many other areas of “modern medicine”, antidepressants don’t actually address the cause. They may target certain factors, but in the human body – and especially in the brain – no single element works in a vacuum. Everything is connected.
But here’s the good news. Mother Nature’s pantry provides all of the essential ingredients your brain needs to function optimally.
Here are the top mood-boosters in your foods and how they work:
1- Omega-3 Fats: These fatty acids are absolutely essential to your brain, yet up to 80% of us don’t get enough. Omega-3′s help build the neuronal connections in the brain as well as create the receptor sites for neurotransmitters. Also, the more omega-3s in your blood, the more serotonin you make and the more responsive you become to its effects. Serotonin influences a variety of psychological functions, and is vital for helping to relay messages from one part of the brain to another. Optimize your omega-3s by enjoying wild, sustainable seafood (like salmon and sardines) and by taking a high quality fish oil (like Carlson’s).
2-Vitamin D: The sunshine vitamin can help brighten your mood. But up to 90% of us are deficient, at least part of the year. As many as 50% are critically deficient. Optimize your vitamin D levels with 20-30 minutes of sunlight, 3-5 days a week or take 2,000-5,000 IUs of vitamin D daily.
3-B Vitamins: Vitamins B6, B12 and folate also help to produce serotonin – the “feel good neurotransmitter”. But that’s not all. They also lower homocysteine - an amino acid that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease… and depression too. In fact, a 2002 study found that women with high homocysteine levels had double the incidence of depression.
4-Selenium: Low levels of selenium are also associated with an increased risk of depression. Selenium is also vital for a healthy thyroid, which affects mood.
5-Antioxidants: Fighting free radicals means protecting cells – including those in the brain which are most susceptible to oxidative damage. Clinical studies have found that people with depression have low levels of antioxidants in their blood. Power up your diet with the foods highest in antioxidants (learn more in Your Guide to Antioxidant Superfoods – part of the Your Plate, Your Fate series).
6-Animal Protein: If you’re a vegetarian, you may be missing out on an important depression-fighting amino acid – tryptophan, an important precursor to serotonin. Protein-rich foods such as beef, poultry, seafood and eggs are typically the best sources of tryptophan. (Note: If you’re “living on the veg” optimize your levels of tryptophan with crimini mushrooms, spinach and other dark leafy greens, beans, nuts and seeds).
7-Probiotics: It may not be all in your head… it could be in your gut too. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) has been found to contribute to depression, by promoting inflammation and oxidative stress as well as hindering the absorption of mood-boosting nutrients. Learn how to get your gut in balance in Your Body’s Ecosystem – - part of the Your Plate, Your Fate series.
8-Low Glycemic Carbs: You probably already know that refined carbs (like white bread, pasta, rice, sugar and processed foods) cause a sugar buzz or “high” and subsequent crash. But there’s more to the story. Sugar also uses up your mood-enhancing B vitamins and diverts the supply of chromium – a mineral that helps keep blood sugar stable and positively affects the release of feel-good norepinephrine and serotonin. Opt for low-glycemic foods you’ll learn about in Your Guide to Living a Low Glycemic Lifestyle -  part of the Your Plate, Your Fate series.
Finally, there are two natural supplements that can boost your mood and help to keep your neurotransmitters in balance. They are called SAM-e and 5-HTP. You can find plenty of excellent research about these supplements on the web.
Anti-depressant medications can cause very serious side-effects – including addiction, aggression, and even worsening depression. What’s more, they do nothing to address the underlying cause of the problem.
If you want to address the underlying causes, start by exercising consistently, enjoying time in the sun frequently and the eight nutritional guidelines listed above.
Here’s to your natural health and happiness!

Sunday, 15 January 2012

8 Valuable Tips About the Mediterranean Diet

A special and validified diet regimen that is gaining extraordinary popularity in many parts of the world is based upon the dining practices of the people that populate the Mediterranean region. Many people have heard of the Mediterranean diet but are not particularly familiar with some of the specifics of the eating routine.
In order to assist you in becoming more familiar with the Mediterranean diet, a consideration of eight useful facts regarding the elements of this dining regimen can be most helpful to you. Of course, these are merely some basic talking points about this valuable dieting routine. Before you embark on any sort of diet plan, including the Mediterranean diet, you need to take the time to consult with your physician to make certain that a proposed regimen is appropriate to your medical status.
Eight General Facts About the Mediterranean Diet
The key elements of the Mediterranean diet are, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, fish, and wine in moderation. Because of this combination, the Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest dieting regimens to be found anywhere on the planet.
Meat and animal products are consumed in very small amounts in the Mediterranean diet. Indeed, when meat is included within the diet scheme, it is poultry or fish in the vast majority of instances. Red meat is not a staple in the Mediterranean diet and is rarely eaten by adherents to this dieting routine. The people who actually populate the countries around the Mediterranean Sea are rarely seen eating red meats of any kind. In addition, dairy products are used only sparingly within the Mediterranean diet. For example, if milk is included in a meal or in the preparation of food, it is of the low fat or non-fat variety. Eggs are rarely included in Mediterranean meals. Indeed, a heavy egg eater is one who has four eggs a week.
With the moderate consumption of fish, the Mediterranean diet allows adherents a tremendous source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Research has demonstrated that a diet flush with Omega-3 fatty acids works to prevent heart disease, stroke and even some cancers.
Many uninformed people can be found making the statement: 'The Mediterranean diet just isnt for me - it is too high in fat.' In truth, the Mediterranean diet is high in certain types of fat. Upwards to thirty-five to forty percent of the calories taken in through this diet do come from fat. However, the Mediterranean diet is remarkably low in saturated fat. It is saturated fat that has negative consequences on a persons health and wellbeing.
The diet relies heavily on olive oil. (This is the primary reason why the diet is higher in fat than one might expect.) Olive oil is proven to increase the level of HDL cholesterol (also known as 'good cholesterol').
The Mediterranean diet is extremely high in antioxidants and fiber, two elements that have been proven to be helpful in preventing heart disease and some types of cancer.
The dietary practices of the Mediterranean region trace their origins back to the days of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, beginning in about the Fourth Century BC.
The Mediterranean diet became of more international interest in modern times as early as 1945. A medical doctor named Ancel Keys was responsible for encouraging his own patients in the United States to turn to the Mediterranean diet scheme. His advocacy increased the awareness of the Mediterranean diet in other countries around the world as well.
Armed with these basic, elementary facts about the Mediterranean diet, you will be in a better position to determine if this diet regiment is appropriate for you and your lifestyle. As can be seen, the Mediterranean diet has been followed by people in many parts of the world beyond the Mediterranean Sea region for quite an extended period of time. Here's were you can see download my eBook and several free bonuses.

What is the Reset Transform Phase

What is the RESET Transform Phase:

Once you have done the 5-day-RESET as a natural detox to lose those unhealthy cravings, you can continue the program in order to reach your ideal weight:

You continue to replace 2 out of 3 meals with a Nutrimeal shake and the 3rd meal needs to be low-glycemic.

Continue to replace 1 snack with a USANA nutrition bar and the 2nd snack needs to be low-glycemic too.

Increase your workout program to a moderate level, going from 3,000 to 10,000 steps daily. Continue to drink a lot of still water and take USANA Essential or HealthPak supplements.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

How To Get Will Power To Lose Weight

Many people give up on dieting due to the sheer frustration of not seeing results despite their best efforts. There is a common trait that separates people who get results with weight loss and those who don’t. People who fail to lose weight are usually the ones who try to use will-power alone to stick to their dieting regime. The ones who lose weight successfully are the people who think positively and have a strong unconscious motivation to succeed.
When it comes to losing weight, your state of mind both consciously and unconsciously is a huge factor.
Will-Power is Not Enough

Many people fail to lose weight successfully because they rely solely on will-power and don’t have a deeper desire to succeed. The reason will-power alone doesn’t work is because it is a product of the conscious mind. It’s all good trying to tell yourself you’re going to succeed, but if you don’t believe it on a deep level,  it isn’t going to happen.
To stick to a healthy diet plan successfully, it requires a deep motivation to improve your personal health, which can only come from the subconscious mind.
Re-Programming the Subconscious

You can start shifting the focus of your subconscious by paying attention to your thoughts. To change your habits, you first need to become aware of them.
So, if you constantly think about food and talk to people about food all the time, it’s probably going to cause you to snack a lot.
By monitoring your thoughts you can begin the re-programming of your subconscious mind. Whenever you are thinking about food, direct your thoughts upon something else. This is the beginning of ending your desire for instant self-gratification through food.
You also need to switch your focus from thinking about what you don’t want, and focus more on what you do want. So, if you constantly think about not wanting to be fat, chances are you will stay overweight.
If however you focus on the fact that you do want to be slim, your subconscious will respond to your thought patterns and do everything it can to empower you to make it happen.

An even deeper and more direct way to re-programme the subconscious mind is through hypnosis.
Hypnosis has been used by professionals for years to help people lose weight. Studies have shown that dieters are 30 times more likely to lose weight if supplementing their diets with hypnotherapy.
Voicing your positive desires out loud in your head has a very powerful effect. It is even more powerful however when these messages are expressed during hypnosis.
During hypnosis, your subconscious mind becomes very vulnerable to suggestions, and therefore positive and empowering messages can be sent to it directly.
This drastically speeds up the time it takes for your subconscious to believe in your positive thoughts. When it is clear to your subconscious that you intend to make positive changes and it believes you can do so, it will help you out in any way possible.
This means that you may feel strongly motivated to go to the gym or avoid fatty foods without knowing where this feeling comes from. This is your subconscious at work, driving you forward based on your deep unconscious beliefs.
Using your conscious mind alone to motivate you makes losing weight an uphill battle. If you have your subconscious mind on your side as well though, the desire to succeed will come naturally, with less effort needed from your conscious mind.
There’s a fantastic FREE Video with sneaky mind tricks to help you lose weight using NLP / Hypnosi.

Day 6 : Reset detox challenge

I woke up with excitement and went straight to the scale: 68.4 kg... I have lost 1.5 kg in 5 days only. That is fantastic & a great encouragement to continue with the Transform phase.
I finally found the time to do the 40 minutes chanting workout I refused to do yesterday, but with great difficulty: my 4-year-old joined in at first but got bored very quickly saying ‘this lady is weird!!’ and was lying or sitting on me instead.
I think I’ll keep my workouts to myself in future!
I can see weekends are going to be difficult...I will have to improvise!

Friday, 13 January 2012

Reset Day 5: Last day of natural detox challenge

I woke up in a panic not naturally but by the alarm!? Motivated still, I got up anyway for my morning workout thinking it won’t be an issue to catch up later on other things to do!
A bit confused I switched on the TV and select the first recorded program I hadn’t viewed as yet: Kundalini Yoga with Maya – Mantras. I gave it up after a few minutes because it was all about chanting and I did feel uncomfortable making these type of noises while the rest of my family are still asleep above...

I chose the next one: Apple Yoga with Katy Appleton – Episode 1. I really enjoyed the workout, there was even one exercise in the middle that requires chanting...this time I got on with it & chanted. I felt really good & energised from it and felt silly not having done the first video!

I felt so good that I was keen to do another video: The BobyHoliday Episode 3 – Yoga. I would love to go on holiday one day there in St Lucia...need to save some money first & convince hubby to come with!! If any one is interested, look at this special offer:

I continued my food plan as per usual, not feeling hungry at all... I even nearly forgot to eat my morning snack! I am excited at the idea of going on the scale tomorrow where I am meant to lose between 1.8 to 2.3 kgs (4-5 lbs). Let’s see how close I will be to my 60 kg optimal goal.
I believe I will still have more than 5 kgs (10 lbs) to lose and in that case I will move to Phase 1 – Transformation Phase. Every day, I will replace 1 meal and 1 snack with low glycemic ones!
My plan tomorrow is to do the chanting yoga video I passed this morning and encourage my daughters to join me in my workouts if they are awake!

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Detox challenge Day 4: Feeling fantastic!

Hooray! I managed to get up naturally at 5.30 am and tried something completely new called ‘Choi Bo’ workout with Anthony Aurelius for about 40 minutes. It was a body conditioning session with strengthening & stretching exercises.

For those without Sky TV and those without Body In Balance Channel, they do offer their workout videos on demand (unlimited access to 400 + videos) for only £5 a month: that’s so much cheaper than a membership gym and more convenient!
I had a busy day, but I was full of beans so everything went very smoothly. I feel fantastic!!
I am not bored of the Nutrimeal shakes (my favourite is off course Chocolate) or the nutrition bars and I also add an orange and some carrot sticks.
My daughter who is 8 trains several times a week in the Squad of a local Swimming Club in the evening. She is training tonight and guess what she will have to replenish her body after the session: a strawberry Nutrimeal shake: she only has a small shake 2/3!
I will only weigh myself on the morning of Day 6, but I can already feel that my jeans are no longer tight so I know the detox is working!!
I am excited at the idea of being able to get up so early to long term goal is to exercise for at least 1 hour daily and at least 5 times a week!!!
Looking forward to tomorrow...till later!

I Need to Lose Weight and Fast – Should I Join a Gym?

Anytime a person comes to me and says, “Isabel, I need to lose weight and fast. Will joining a gym help me achieve my goals?” I simply tell them that no two people are alike. It’s all about what works for you. There are a lot of good reasons to join a gym, but there are also some drawbacks.

Reasons You May Want to Join a Gym

  • Motivation. Everyone at the gym is there for one reason—to exercise. Being around people who share the same objective can motivate you to dig your heels in and get your workouts done. If going to the gym will encourage you to exercise regularly, then I say go for it!
  • No Distractions at Home. There is always something to do or someone who needs you at home. These distractions can easily take priority (in your mind) over exercising. When you do most of your workouts at the gym, the dishes, dinner, phone calls, laundry and anything else you “need” to do will just have to wait.
  • Access to Exercise Equipment and Fitness Classes. You don’t need much exercise equipment to get a good workout. However, doing the same old exercise videos and running on the same old treadmill can bore you to pieces. When you opt to workout in a gym, you have access to tons of equipment and a variety of fitness classes, so you rarely get bored.

Reasons You May Not Want to Join a Gym

  • You May Get Stuck in a Contract. Plenty of people join a gym and use their memberships religiously. Others start off with a boom and then fade away. If you are one of the faders and you sign a 12 month contract, you’ll be stuck paying for a year long membership that you never use. Basically, it will be a waste of money.
  • Fees are Continuous. Most contracted gym membership fees are collected via automatic bank draft. If you lose your job or run into financial hardships, there is no way to stop the gym from pulling money out of your account until your contract expires. If your finances are really messed up, the money the gym takes out of your account can cause overdraft charges and other financial hardships.

  • Overcrowding. Gyms are in the business of making money. The more members they have, the more money they make. These facilities can be pretty crowded during peak hours. If you hate crowds or are uncomfortable exercising around others, the gym atmosphere may not be for you.
  • Germy Equipment. Sweaty bodies and dirty hands—it’s no secret that the exercise equipment and locker rooms at gyms are stomping grounds for germs. Anytime you come into contact with germy equipment, you become vulnerable to illnesses and infections. If you are a germaphobe or slack about hand washing, you may be better off exercising at home.

Some Ways to Combat Gym Drawbacks

While it’s not necessary to join a gym to lose weight, some people thrive in this type of setting. If you’re not sure if a gym is right for you, go to a nearby facility and ask for a free trial membership. This will give you a chance to use the facility for a couple of weeks to see if joining is something you really want to do.
If you feel like a gym membership is what you need to get off your hump and exercise, negotiate with the fitness club to save a little cash. Some gyms will waive their registration fees or offer as much as 30 percent off membership prices–all you gotta’ do is ask.
If you detest the idea of being trapped in a contract, ask for a month to month membership. Most gyms don’t advertise the month to month thing because it eats into their profits. With this type of membership, you simply pay as you go. When you get sick of going, you can quit without paying any additional fees.
Your dream of losing weight is only a reach away. Watch this video to find out how the Diet Solution Program has helped me when I need to lose weight and fast.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Reset Detox : Day 3

Although my 4-year-old climbed into our bed again last night, I still managed to get a good night sleep, woke up naturally at 4 am –a bit too early though to get up!- and went back to sleep until about 5.40 am. I had no problem to get up at that time and tried 2 programs I recorded the day before from Body In Balance Sky Channel:
30 mins Shiva Daily Energy: Yoga

AM Meditation with Rodney Yee

The yoga was great toning and stretching...quite challenging and I have been feeling it in my legs the whole day. I was enjoying the meditation until my 8-year-old interrupted it by entering in the living room!
I guess the next challenge I need is to get up early enough so:
1.       There is less risk that my kids get up so early to stop my fitness routine
2.       There is less risk of finding excuses for not having enough time to exercise
As I get more energy and better sleep, I am planning to get up eventually at 5 am to get this ME TIME I desperately need all to myself!
I spent the morning visiting my friend Dash at her new house, so I just swapped my nutritional bar snack with a green tea & fresh strawberries. Two other friends Vivi & Tracey were there as well: we rarely get time to catch up, so it was lovely! It is important for anyone’s sanity or wellbeing to have good friends around you...I am lucky!
It’s the evening now and I have had my delicious Nutrimeal Shake, I mixed the chocolate & strawberry flavour and my daughter was trying to steal it from me while she was having her diner!
I am feeling great actually...finally!
I am really looking forward to tomorrow now... I can’t wait to see what time I will get up to and excited about doing the next keep fit session! Good night...

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Reset Detox: Day 2

I had a great night sleep and woke up naturally at about 5 am but didn’t have the motivation to get up earlier than my usual 6 o’clock.
My first hot drink this time was fresh pressed lemon juice in boiled water with a dash of organic did wake me up! My diet plan is the same as yesterday and I know I won’t get hungry!
This morning my friend is dropping my kids to school, the walk to her house energises me!  I am back home, I have no excuses and instead I am starting my 30 minutes Pilates Workout: Wai Lana Pilates Yoga Figure 8 Fitness Workout. The exercises are easy, but still my upper body is shaking...that’s a good sign! I know it is going to be difficult not get bored keeping fit at home instead of the gym where I used to be able to do a variety of different classes...I am going through my sky tv fitness channels and record a few programs to test later on.
It’s been a long day though...finished with a bit of a headache. Hope tomorrow will get easier.
Tomorrow, I want to continue as planned... what I want to achieve is get up naturally at around 5 am, so I get a workout done first thing. I have to visit my friend Dash for tea (green tea for me though) in her new I don’t want to risk having the excuse of not having enough time in the day to exercise!!
Goodnight for now...

Monday, 9 January 2012

Belinda Benn's Story

I am over dieting! At 36, after two kids and some 10 odd years of my weight fluctuating up and down, I’m left with cellulite, flab, low confidence and even lower motivation to go through it again. However, I’m not here to be negative! Quite the opposite. At last, I think I’ve found a healthy, realistic and affordable approach to kick my bad habits once and for all. Let me introduce you to Belinda Benn’s GetLean Program.
Belinda’s story
One factor that always fails in me losing weight is that I’ve never taken my diets seriously. The pictures of the women who supposedly have lost hundreds of pounds are taunt and ripped. But when I look in the mirror, it seems so unrealistic. This always leaves me only half-heartedly attempting to achieve my goal, as they seem so unattainable.
From first appearances, Belinda who is fit and sculpted to perfection would seem like any of those other figures featured in every weight loss commercial. What surprised me about her is that her story is so relatable. At 37, she had never exercised in her life. She had been married and had children. She lived on an unhealthy diet but felt like she had no time to do better. She even admits she had cellulite and flab! To myself along with many of you, surely, this sounds very close to home.
Now at 45, Belinda admits to feeling the best shape of her life. Not only does she look great but has a new philosophy and approach to life, feeling mentally and emotionally vibrant and alive.
How Belinda revolutionised her life
Belinda’s approach to losing weight is what most appeals to me. Instead of being based on short-term dieting with fast but unattainable results, she worked on learning about foods and choosing new, food positive habits. Under Belinda’s approach, eating doesn’t mean cutting out all the tasty ‘bad’ foods or living by some ridiculous ‘rules’. It’s simple and easy. Instead, it’s about learning about food to empower yourself to eat well and exercise well using tools that you already have around you. No gimmicks. No gadgets. Simple wisdom, guidance and support. Everything you need to succeed.
So, what’s The Get Lean Program?
The Get Lean Program is an easy to use guide that you can read work through from home. It’s flexible, designed to work into your busy lifestyle. It’s affordable, using foods that you can access at your own supermarket, or may already have!
Belinda’s guide is explained thoroughly in simple language. She supplies you with a 3 Phase Fat Burning System which breaks the program into gradual stages, setting you up for long term, manageable changes rather than crash and burn dieting.
For a busy woman like me with a husband, kids and job, the program has a Step by Step Fat Loss Plan that works into your daily schedule. It even includes 12 weeks of Daily Meal Plans and over 50 Fat Burning Recipes to take the planning out of it and make it as easy as possible to work into your routine.
Because Belinda has been through the weight loss process herself, she understands the struggle it can be to persevere. To help you through it, she includes her 10 Secrets to Success so you know exactly how she battled and overcame the same issues. There is also a Diary & Success Journal to help you work through the psychological connection we all have with food. Incredibly, there is also Belinda’s personal support via email where Belinda will personally support you through your journey!

Reset Day 1:

As many of us, I have over indulged over the Christmas holidays and was not as active as I should have been. I weigh myself this morning: 69.9kg...but that’s ok, I know what to do: start with a natural detox and get back slowly into good habits and routines.
 Today I am starting a 5 Day Jump Start Carb Cleanse – it will kick off my metabolism and eliminate cravings for sugar and refined carbs. The average weight loss is 4-5 lbs.
My original plan was to get up ½ hour earlier and start with a 30 min Pilates workout DVD that I got myself for Christmas to replace my gym membership! But as she often does, my 4-year-old got into our bed during the night...therefore I didn’t get a good enough sleep and I needed that ½ hour sleep instead.
Instead of tea or coffee (it’s a detox remember!), I started the day with an organic herbal tea: nettle, fennel & peppermint...not bad at all!

And this is my low glycemic feed that I planned for today:

My breakfast will be a tasty Cappucino (taste like but is not!) Nutrimeal Shake with an added scoop of Fibergy (even more fiber: I need it!) with my morning USANA healthpack supplements pouch.
My lunch will & my dinner will be another tasty Nutrimeal shake, not sure which flavour I will choose yet and 2 healthy nutrition bars to make it a total of 5 small meals during the day.
I keep my 1.5L still mineral bottle with me at all times that I will drink throughout and hopefully will need to top up too!
All I need now is to find the time to do my Pilates sessions...and I have lots of excuses for not finding the time: housework, work, kids, preparing food from scratch for the family tonight!

I am updated this now it's 8 pm. It was an exhausting day, not sure if because I had a lot on or the lack of calories or my body fighting the cravings! I managed the detox well, I didn't feel starved at all and I even managed to drink 2 litres of water... the only thing was I didn't do my 30 minutes Pilates: something to get right tomorrow!

Hoping for a good night sleep tonight, but proud of myself on my first day!

Would you like to join me? Contact Me

USANA RESET Week 2012: Stories of Success

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Why Is The Mediterranean Diet So Special?

Mediterranean diet - the most recent awakening. Ever wondered what it's all about? As the name itself suggests, it's that food which is consumed by the inhabitants of countries along the shores of the Mediterranean. In all, there are about 3 continents and 16 countries along this belt. The food habits and diet patterns vary across each of these different countries and sometimes even vary across different regions within each country.
Why the hype?
What's so special about the diet patterns of these folks that it is gaining so much attention? Recent studies show that the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and related disorders is lesser in this part of the world. While it could be due to differences in lifestyle, the important role played by food cannot be ignored.
Trace the origins
The origins of the Mediterranean diet dates back to the Greek Island of Crete where it was seen that the Cretans and the Greeks lived longer than most people from other parts of the world. Also, those who died of coronary heart diseases and cancers were fewer.
Typical Characteristics
Mediterranean food is extremely rich in carbohydrates. The consumption of fruits, grains and vegetables are high. Potatoes, beans, nuts, seeds and cereals are widely used. Milk and milk products, egg are consumed in moderate quantities. So is wine. Very little red meat gets eaten. Instead, more of fish is eaten because it contains Omega-3 oils which are said to enhance the immune functioning.
A point to note
What is unique about the Mediterranean diet is generous use of 'olive oil'. Olive oil, as researched by Hippocrates the father of medicine, is said to have a lot of medicinal properties. It is said to add suppleness to the muscle and skin, and soothe the effects of harsh sun or water. The content of antioxidants is high in olive oil. These antioxidants are known to prevent arteries from getting clogged and also discourage other chronic illnesses including cancer, bladder stones, urinary tract infection, ulcers, obesity and so on. This oil is special because it contains monounsaturated fatty acids which decrease cholesterol formation. Which should explain the low incidence of cardiovascular diseases in this part of the world. Apart from olive oil, canola or peanut oil are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids.
The meal course
Typically, the Mediterranean diet begins with appetizers - largely salads. Bread is always there. Depending on the season, warm soups can be served along with bread. Vegetables, grains and greens form the core of the main course. To supplement this, fish and read meat is sometimes also served. The dessert is hassle-free with a cup of Turkish Coffee or a Moroccan tea or a pack of cookies. Mediterranean people also drink alcohol with their meal moderately.
To reap the full benefits of the Mediterranean diet, dieticians recommend that apart from following the diet, it is also necessary to have adequate quantity of water (At least 6 glasses a day).Moderate consumption of wine is also acceptable. For those who want to avoid concerns of alcohol in wine, the suggested alternative is purple grape juice since it offers the same heart health benefits as wine.
Four tips from the Greeks
Go Olive While shopping for food, you might look for canned foods that have the 'fat-free' or 'cholesterol-free' labels on them. While this is a step in the right direction, it does not protect you from the ill-effects of fats. Reason being, they might have high quantities of hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils which increase triglyceride levels in blood. When you buy oils, pick olive, canola or peanut oils and fresh is always best.
Choose fruits, vegetables and cereals to meat. Have copious portions of food from plant sources. Use Fruits for your daily dessert. This will help you curtail consumption of sweets that contain sugar and saturated fats.
Minimize animal fats. Go low on cheese, butter and processed yoghurts. Consume fish and eggs moderately - eggs about 4 servings a week and fish about once a week. Contain red meat to once a month. Natural yoghurts and goats milk cheese and yoghurt ate acceptable.
Moderate wine. It's acceptable for women to have a glass of wine with every meal and for men to have two. This is said to assist with the reduction of heart attacks and some cancers. However, beware of over consumption. It can lead to high blood pressure and weakening of the heart muscles. For those wary of alcohol, go get your purple grape juice.
The recipes can be exceptionally tasty which encourages you to eat more than you need at times. Presently, the Mediterranean diet is catching on all over the globe, partly due to immigration to other lands (awareness) but the diet itself is now catching the eye of professors and doctors who work closely with preventative medecine and diet research. Here's were you can see download my eBook and several free bonuses.

What is RESET?

What is the 5-day-RESET:

All the food you need for those 5 days comes in this lovely box. You will replace your meals with delicious Nutrimeal shakes (chocolate, vanilla, strawberry) and your snacks with nutritious low glycemic bars (Oatmeal Raisin or Peanut Butter Crunch). The box also includes daily USANA nutritionals to supplement your intake.

All you now need to do is go through the box, drink at least 64-80 oz. of still water and walk for 20 to 30 mins daily. If you need to, you may eat 1 fruit & 1 vegetable servings on the top of the Nutrimeal shakes & bars.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

How To Get The Motivation To Exercise

For some reason, exercise is one of those things that everyone wants to do, but many can’t find the motivation for. Despite the fantastic health benefits that exist because of exercising, lots of people still can’t manage to drag themselves to the gym.
Why is this? Let’s explore…
The are four elements that come into play in regards to making yourself go out to exercise:
1.      Desire
2.      Motivation
3.      Decision
4.      Self-Confidence
The urge to exercise always begins with a vague idea (desire) that exercising will improve our lives. For instance, you may think that “if I exercise 3 times a week, I’ll be able to lose lots of weight”.
If a person can find the right motivation, they will be able to make the decision to go out and exercise. After they exercise over and over, they will develop self-confidence and will want to exercise more and more.
Unfortunately though, many people have a hard time finding the motivation they need to make that decision to exercise, meaning they are always lacking in self-confidence. Thus, they shy away from getting the exercise they need. Every time you say no to a desire and don’t follow through on it, your self-confidence levels plummet.
Lack of motivation is usually due to negative beliefs that are ingrained deep in the subconscious mind. People often believe that sticking to an exercise plan is too difficult or is too much trouble.
When you think like this, you completely lose sight of the positive reasons you want to exercise regularly, e.g. to lose weight, build muscle or become healthier. If you constantly have thoughts like “exercising is hard”, or “but I don’t enjoy exercising…”, they will become ingrained in your subconscious. Your subconscious will then prevent you from being motivated to go out and exercise.
Thankfully, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) can help us to rewire the focus of our subconscious to make us feel motivated to take positive action.
NLP is a form of hypnosis that targets the subconscious mind and helps to reprogram self-limiting negative thought patterns.
One of the first priorities when using NLP is to identify erroneous thought patterns that might be preventing us from having the motivation we need. Through various visualization techniques, it is possible to rewire the subconscious to focus on success rather than limitation.
When your subconscious mind has been rewired, finding motivation to exercise is easy. You will no longer need to force yourself to go to the gym; your subconscious will be urging you do to so, making it hard for you not to.
NLP can provide the missing piece of the puzzle when it comes to finding the motivation to exercise. If exercising feels like a chore, then it’s unlikely that you’ll ever be able to stick to a fitness plan.
If on the other hand, there is something inside giving you self confidence, driving you forward and making you really enjoy exercising, then it will be a piece of cake. Through NLP, we can achieve this kind of motivation.
Here is a recap of how motivation fits into the four key stages:
1.      Desire – A craving to exercise based on perceived benefits
2.      Motivation – Required to turn desires into a decision. Can be achieved by reprogramming your subconscious beliefs via NLP
3.      Decision – Making up one’s mind to take action
4.      Self-Confidence – Gained from repeatedly acting on desires. Results in permanent motivation
There’s a fantastic FREE Video with sneaky mind tricks to help you lose weight using NLP / Hypnosis.